Category Archives: Pornhub

How frequently do men consume pornography while at work?

Based on various studies, testimonies, and information pulled from data measurement companies, there is significant evidence that people consume pornography at work. The parameters of these analyses, such as age of the consumer and regularity of consumption, however, give very different numbers. There are many ways to read the data, but all patterns suggest that many workers, and in some contexts the majority of workers, predominantly male, consume or download pornography during the workday from their office.

The Society of Human Resource Management (SHR), the world’s largest HR professional society, maintains that 70% of all internet pornography traffic happens during the workday. Pornhub, the third largest pornography site on the internet, validates this data. In their 2016 analysis of “Favorite times to watch porn,” they found that between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm, pornography consumption was above the weekly average, with a noteworthy peak around 3 and 4 pm. SHR also reports that 20% of employees access pornographic content at work, and with high-speed connections that are frequently unmatched in their homes, workers are using their offices to download pornographic content for home consumption at higher rates each year.

The Nielsen Company, a global information, data, and measurement company that holds a comprehensive understanding of how users spend their time and money, reported in 2010 that 29% of working adults viewed pornography at least once a month, with a monthly average of 1 hour and 45 minutes spent on the pornographic sites. Per session, the average user spent 12 minutes and 38 seconds. It’s worth mentioning that these statistics do not mention whether it is men or women who are spending their time on these sites, though based on plenty of evidence it is quite reasonable to assume that the 29% is predominantly male.

In 2014, another multi-faceted study was conducted with a representative sample of 1,000 U.S. men nationwide. They found that between the ages of 18 – 30, 52% of all men admitted to consuming pornography at work within the previous three months, and 14% of those men had viewed porn at least 10 times in that same period. For men between the ages 31 – 49, the numbers were significantly higher: 74% of men admitted to watching porn in the previous three months, and 20% had viewed it more than 10 times in that same period.

Put simply: for the majority of working men, the perceived benefits of consuming or downloading pornographic materials while at work outweigh the risk of losing the material benefits that come with their employment.


How much pornography is made of prostituted women?

There are at least 42 million prostituted persons worldwide and less than half of them are ever identified.* At least half of the entire total are children, 80% female, and 80% under the age of 25. The average age someone is trafficked into prostitution is 12 years old, and the average life expectancy for females is 7 years from the moment they’re trafficked – largely by homicide. Needless to say, research and studies of any sample of prostituted persons could never be random, and hence may not be typical of all prostituted persons. That said, of the surveys and reports conducted on pornography being made of prostituted women, a clear pattern emerges: around 50% of prostituted women have had pornography made of them.**

One of the more comprehensive studies was conducted by Dr. Melissa Farley, of Prostitution Research & Education in San Francisco. She found that across 8 countries, including Canada, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the United States, and Zambia, of the 854 female respondents, 49% reported having had pornography made of their being sexually violated. These statistics were comparable to a study conducted by the WHISPER Oral History Project more than a decade earlier, which found that more than 53% of prostituted women had been filmed for pornography – by the johns / buyers of sex alone. Both studies found that between half or two-thirds of these men specifically demanded the prostituted women re-enact scenes they had consumed in pornography.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that of prostituted persons, 68% had PTSD (a very high prevalence of psychological harm for any group). Most of them had come from a home of childhood sexual abuse, rape, and other forms of abuse. Of these women, those who had been filmed in pornographic videos had significantly more severe PTSD symptoms than those who hadn’t been filmed.

Much of the pornography made of these prostituted persons is, of course, available online, everywhere, free of charge, today. Identified or nameless, twelve years or twenty, 2,000 days or one from being murdered, their prostitution lives online forever across small sites and large networks, comprising likely, or very likely, millions of hours across Xvideos, Pornhub, YouPorn, and so on.

As has been noted in many studies, it is the pornography industry itself that largely fuels the demand for sex trafficking and prostitution. And it is the consumption of these videos that continues to drive a demand for men’s sexual access to women. It is not illogical to state that the people who consume pornography regularly have likely found and even masturbated to a number of these women, many of whom were brought into this industry when they were children, most of whom suffered from PTSD, and a large number of whom are no longer alive.

* Of the 42 million prostituted persons, only 4.5 million are recognized as having been trafficked into the industry. Pornography FAQ maintains that mythologizing the false distinction between sex trafficking, or forced prostitution, and “free” prostitution perpetuates the irresponsible ideology that one is bad while the other is good. In the context of the sex industry, which sells women, men, and children as commodities for personal sexual pleasure, the concepts of “free” and “good” are deeply insulting.

** Pornography FAQ also maintains that pornography is prostitution, albeit filmed. Most people readily distinguish between the two. For the sake of keeping this individual post coherent and clear for the majority of readers, I maintain that distinction. The clear connections between the two will be explored in length and in scope elsewhere on this site.


How much online pornography is there?

Approximately 12% of all websites are pornographic, meaning that there are at least 4 million websites that contain pornography. The average pornographic website contains at least 50 terabytes of pornography, while the most popular pornographic sites, such as Xvideos, YouPorn, Pornhub, Xhamster, contain much more. YouPorn, for instance, hosts more than 100 terabytes of pornography. With a single terabyte comprising an estimated 500 hours of pornography each, YouPorn hosts approximately 50,000 hours of pornography, or 3 million minutes, or six years of pornography if watched consecutively.

If each of the 4 million websites contained 50 terabytes of pornography (a conservative estimate), then there are approximately 100,000,000,000 hours of pornography online. It would take more than 11,415,525 years to play this back-to-back.

I don’t know what to say.
